Thursday, July 6, 2017


At the end of my post on Laziness, I made a statement, "It's like the kamikaze pilot who flew 17 missions…"

If you are still trying to understand the statement, you have to know what a kamikaze is...  

A kamikaze pilot is only supposed to fly ONE MISSION. He kills himself in order to kill others.  His job was to fly the plane into the enemy ship, killing himself and killing as many of the enemy as possible.  He had to be totally committed to serving his country.

Imagine him showing back up at his base after leaving on a kamikaze mission.  Everyone in a state of disbelief because they didn't expect to see him again.  His mission wasn't to end with his return to base!

He wasn't supposed to return home, but do whatever was necessary to carry out the kamikaze mission, which was to end with his death.

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