Tuesday, December 25, 2018


That question could be asked in various contexts, but nowhere is it more fitting than on Christmas Day. Though this is not the actual day that Jesus was born, we celebrate His advent into the earth to save His people from their sins each year on December 25th.

How much is too much?  In the foreknowledge of God, Jesus would have to go to Calvary and give His life for sinners and there were no shortcuts, He still gave His only Son to die for us.  He could have done what we do and calculate the cost and decided the price was too high, therefore foiling the plan of God to save the world from sin.  

The price was not too high for Him to consider our need to be saved and still go though the process of sacrificing His Only Son.  There is nothing you can do that could cause Him to withhold the Savior.

How much is too much for you, to serve, give, love, or forgive?  The Gift of God was given to a people that wouldn't appreciate the price He paid nor the depth of love that motivated it in the first place.  

Never allow anything to be so important to you, that it becomes more valuable than God and His Kingdom in your life.  You were the priority to your loving Heavenly Father and He demonstrated it by sending Jesus to the world to die for the sins of mankind.  

Now the ball is in your court. How much is too much for your to give in service to God, with you Time, Talent and Treasure?

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